Anna's Recovery
"I used to volunteer at an animal sanctuary and dog walk for my neighbours, but as my OCD got worse, I lost the ability to do these things. I struggled to be in a place I thought a pet could have been in. I panicked when anyone in my family touched an animal and would make a mental note of everything they had touched so I could avoid it and clean it later, while I begged them to wash their hands. If I accidently touched an animal I dissolved into tears and fear. I found dogs the hardest to cope with, although I am not fully sure why. Many people, including me, believed that I would never be able to love animals again. Overcoming my OCD has allowed me to enjoy the presence of furry (and not so furry!) friends once again, and I got my very first dog."

"I can safely say the only thing I lost by overcoming my OCD was a couple of shoelaces!"

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