2020 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
How to get the best help to get you better: A guide to services and therapists
Presentation subject
Therapist's don't change you, they help you change!
This presentation helps people with OCD navigating a complex system. It will offer a brief overview of different services , what treatment should you get and may get. How do you know if you're getting the right treatment and how do you know if you have the right therapist.
Dr Claire Lomax is a regular speaker at the OCD-UK conference and supporter of our is Director of the Newcastle University Psychological Therapies Training and Research Clinic which is a university clinic which provides evidence-based therapies to students.
Claire joined the team at Newcastle from the DClinPsy at Bath, where she worked as research tutor for 3 years. She trained at the Institute of Psychiatry and qualified in 2005, before this she undertook a PhD looking at the impact of neurodegenerative disease on patients and their caregivers. She has worked with adults and children with anxiety disorders, with her main areas of experience being with OCD and BDD. She took up the post of Programme Director in October 2016. She also worked clinically at the NTW Centre for Specialist Psychological Therapies - Regional Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Service for one day a week.

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