2020 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
OCD Support Group
Kirstie McBryan, online groups manager for OCD-UK
This support group is open to anybody affected by OCD (aged 18 or over).
An opportunity to share challenges and strategies to help us in our daily struggles with OCD but also to help us focus on recovery.
Please note: This support group is limited to 50 people at which point the registration for this group will close.
The Registration Process
Register for each presentation
Find a presentation you wish to attend by clicking either of the blue registration buttons on this page.
Day of meeting
You need to click the link within your meeting registration email to access the presentation, so it's important you retain the registration email.
Donate if presentation helpful
If you enjoy or find the presentation helpful, we politely ask you consider making a small donation to help us cover our platform costs.
If you do find this presentation helpful, please consider making a small donation to help cover our platform costs.
Return back to the conference map to visit other areas of the conference hotel and view other presentations.
Data Policy