2020 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
Children with OCD: Identifying Acceptable Support Strategies for Parents: Co-Assist Research Project
Rebecca Pedley, Project Chief Investigator, The University of Manchester.
Debbie Robinson, Co-Assist parent co-researcher, The University of Manchester.
Ashley Fulwood, From OCD-UK and Co-Assist collaborator.
Presentation subject
This presentation explores the need for the Co-Assist Research Project which is being supported by OCD-UK. OCD often develops in childhood and parents/carers play a key role in supporting children with OCD. What we know is that parent/carers often find their support role difficult and not all parents/carers receive the support they need.
The aim of the Co-Assist research project is to undertake development work to better support parents/carers of children with OCD.

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