2020 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
OCD may try to creep back, but we don’t have to let it in!
Presentation prepared by
Dr Josie Millar
Delivered by
Professor Paul Salkovskis
Presentation subject
Josie and Megan are teaming up to talk about the importance of keeping well after helpful therapy. They will be talking about what the research says about why OCD might try to creep back in and what we can do to make sure it doesn’t.
Josie will be talking about this from the perspective of the therapist and researcher and Megan will be sharing from her personal experience of what has been helpful.
Dr Josie Millar qualified as Clinical Psychologist from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 2006. During her clinical training and post qualification Josie developed a special interest in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), in particular intensive treatments for OCD.
In 2010, Josie moved to the UK to work with Professor Paul Salkovskis, to further develop work on intensive treatments for OCD. Josie specialises in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for people with severe and complex OCD. Her clinical work has been in providing specialist CBT on an outreach basis to patients nationally.
Josie is also a lecturer at the University of Bath, where she is involved in the training of Clinical psychologists and has developed a programme of research related to OCD. Josie is passionate about developing interventions for relapse prevention for OCD. She is also currently working on understanding how loneliness and social isolation affects people who are experiencing OCD.
Dr Millar is a dedicated and highly motivated Scientist Practitioner, she strongly believes in working with people to find a collaborative approach to overcoming their difficulties and reclaiming their life from OCD.

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