2020 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
The path to recovery: From patient to provider
Presentation subject
Dr. McIngvale’s is the Director of the McLean OCD Institute at Houston, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, where she maintains an active clinical, research and leadership role. Her clinical interests focus on OCD, anxiety disorders, mental health stigma and access to mental health care. She is the founder of the Peace of Mind Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to OCD. Dr. McIngvale operates ocdchallenge.org, a free self-help website for OCD which is live in 6 languages and serves nearly 4,000 individuals. She was the first ever national spokesperson for the International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation and now serves on their board of directors.
She received her bachelors and master’s degrees in social work from Loyola University Chicago, her Ph.D. in social work at the University of Houston and is currently pursuing her MBA from Kellogg’s School of Business Management at Northwestern University. Dr. McIngvale engages in advocacy, clinical work, research and teaching related to OCD and anxiety disorders. She is a renowned speaker on both the local and national level speaking on behalf of OCD, mental illness and mental health stigma.
Dr. McIngvale has received numerous awards for her advocacy and impact on the mental health field and currently serves as a director on five boards. She is internationally known and recognized for her clinical work and advancements in the OCD field. Dr. McIngvale is dedicated to giving a voice to the voiceless and is grateful for a career which allows her to improve the lives of those living with a mental illness every day.

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