2020 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
Wellbeing Lounge
Down in our wellbeing lounge connect your mind and body and find yourself with relaxation and tranquillity.
Scroll down this page for the Saturday and Sunday agenda for our wellbeing lounge. But please do keep checking back as we may add or change timings slightly right up until the day of the conference.
Our virtual conference is completely free, but should you find a presentation helpful we welcome a small donation to help us cover the platform costs that enable us to deliver this conference to you.

Saturday Agenda - Wellbeing Lounge
10:30am - 11:00am - Gut feeling: The link between your gut health, your mental health and your anxiety.
Presented by Dr Stephanie Fitzgerald
11:15am - 12:00pm - Can you run away from anxiety? The role that exercise plays in anxiety management
Presented by Dr Stephanie Fitzgerald
5:00pm - 5:45pm - Post conference destressing, relaxing stretch, relax and refresh session
Hosted by Jeanette Evans
Sunday Agenda - Wellbeing Lounge
4:15pm - 5:00pm - Post conference destressing, relaxing stretch, relax and refresh session
Hosted by Jeanette Evans
Each presentation listed above will be clickable and open for registration in a couple of days. Please check back.
The Registration Process
Register for each presentation
Find a presentation you wish to attend and click the registration link.
Day of meeting
Click the link within your meeting registration email to access the presentation,
Donate if presentation helpful
If you enjoy or find the presentation helpful, we politely ask you consider making a small donation to help us cover our platform costs.