2021 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!

Laura at a previous OCD conference

Please complete this form and click the Zoom registration link on the final page of the form.

Creative Writing Workshop - Conference 2021

Laura & Kerry's creative writing workshop

Step 1 of 4

  • Before you can register for this creative writing workshop, we need to get a little more information from you.
  • The young person taking part in the creative writing workshop
  • The participant needs to be aged 13-18 to attend this workshop. Please confirm the participants date of birth
    DD slash MM slash YYYY

This workshop will NOT be recorded or made available post conference.

If you do find this presentation helpful, please consider making a small donation to help cover our platform costs.

Make a donation to OCD-UK  
We know that right now we are all living through difficult times financially, and it’s for that reason we have chosen to make our conference free access this year. Whilst the conference is free access, the charity does still have to pay Zoom and Vimeo license fees which power our online conference, so if you are in a position to make a donation of any amount, we would be incredibly grateful. It is only through donations, and the participation of our supporters fundraising activities that OCD-UK can survive, so we remain incredibly grateful for your consideration.

"Hi, I'm Olive and I'm here to help."

Olive is here to help
Read our Frequently Asked Questions or email our conference helpdesk conference@ocduk.org.
Contact Us
2022 Conference Hotel
Return to the conference lobby to access the main conference, breakout or family rooms.
Hotel Lobby
The OCD-UK Diversity and Inclusion Charter

Irrespective of disability, gender, country of origin, race, religion or sexual orientation, everybody is welcomed and respected equally when using, attending and contributing to the OCD-UK online conference and support groups.

Data Policy
By registering for one of our conference presentations you do so accepting our data policy on the sharing of data between Zoom (our provider of meeting services) and OCD-UK. We take your supplied registration data (name and email address) from zoom and store securely. OCD-UK will store your data for up to 12 month but can be removed upon request prior to that. Your data will not be used by OCD-UK for any other marketing purposes other than sending information about the conference presentations you register for and inviting feedback about these presentations. Click here to view our full data and privacy policy.