2022 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!

Main Conference Room
Welcome to the Main Conference Room. This room will host the majority of our presentations about OCD, which will involve offering hope, inspiration, and up to date information about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and related topics.
On this page you will be able to see the full agenda for both Friday and Saturday’s Main Conference Room itinerary. Click on the presentation titles to register for the presentations you would like to attend. Please do keep checking back as we may add or change timings slightly right up until the day of the conference.
Our virtual conference is completely free of charge, but should you find a presentation helpful, we welcome a small donation for each presentation you attend, to help us cover our platform costs.
Friday Agenda (18th Nov)
Main Conference Room
To read more about the presentations or to reserve your place please click on each presentation below.
Recording available
CBT is not a dangerous pursuit: Understanding that “Better Safe than Sorry” is a trap set by OCD.
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford
Recording available
The science of belief change: Focus on beliefs about memory and beliefs about losing control
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University
Saturday Agenda (19th Nov)
Main Conference Room
To read more about the presentations or to reserve your place please click on each presentation below.
Recording available
Support issues in OCD: Navigating the Maze
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford
Recording available
When OCD and religion get entangled
Presented by Professor Mark Freeston, Newcastle University
Recording available
OCD and Adult ADHD
Presented by Dr Alison Roberts
Recording available
The nature of obsessions
Presented by Professor Christine Purdon
Recording available
Introduction to Mental Contamination - Followed by Q&A
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University
If you do find this presentation helpful, please consider making a small donation to help cover our platform costs.
"Hi, I'm Olive and I'm here to help."