2024 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!

Jan (right)
Parent Reflections- from experience of parenting a child with OCD
The presentation will be facilitated by a member of the OCD-UK team.
Presentation subject
This workshop will be facilitated by Laurenne and Sarah, who both have lived experience of parenting children with severe OCD. The aim is to create opportunities for parents to share experiences, information and support within an informal style workshop. A space to reflect on what has been helpful alongside treatment, themes may include education, interests, siblings, hope and recovery. Please join us to listen-in, ask questions and share positive experiences to support other parents. We look forward to seeing you.
Laurenne is a Parent Peer Support Worker in the N&S OCD/BDD Team at the Maudsley Hospital, her daughter suffered from severe, debilitating OCD for 6 years, missing 3 years of school. Her daughter was treated by the N&S OCD/BDD Team and she has made a full recovery.
Sarah is a Parent Peer Support Worker in the N&S OCD/BDD Team at the Maudsley Hospital, her daughter suffered from severe OCD and experienced 2 inpatient admissions before accessing specialist treatment for OCD and ASD under the N&S OCD/BDD Team. Her daughter is now living life in full.
Jan is an OCD-UK volunteer and has been volunteering his time for the parent project which was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. Due to Jan’s experiences of parenting a child with OCD, his involvement with the parent project offers other parents who have a child with OCD some hope for recovery for their children. Due to Jan’s lived experience he now dedicates his time to volunteering and fundraising, as well as raising awareness of OCD through the many challenges he has taken on whilst raising vital funds for OCD-UK.
This presentation will be recorded and available to OCD-UK members within 3-4 weeks post conference.
You do not need to register to access the recording.
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Irrespective of age, disability, race, religion, country of origin, gender identity or sexual orientation, everybody is welcomed and respected equally when using, attending and contributing to the OCD-UK online conference.
Creating an inclusive organisation is a fundamental part of living up to our purpose of supporting all those affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
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"Hi, I'm Olive and I'm here to help."