2024 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!

Chloe Chessell
Chloe Chessell
Lydia Munns
Lydia Munns

Reflecting on parents’ experiences of parenting a child with OCD

 Broadcast live on Friday 8th November 2024

Dr Chloe Chessell, Postdoctoral Researcher University of Oxford.
The presentation will be facilitated by a member of the OCD-UK team.

Presentation subject

In this talk, Chloe and Lydia will: (1) provide a brief overview of what OCD is and how this can present in children and young people, (2) present the findings of a research project which explored parents’ experiences of parenting a child (aged 7 – 14 years old) with OCD, with opportunities for reflection from the audience, and (3) share their plans for an intervention to help parents learn evidence-based tools to help their children to overcome OCD and ask the audience for their initial thoughts/views on this approach.

About the speakers

Dr Chloe Chessell
is a Post-doctoral Researcher and Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner at the University of Oxford. Chloe’s research and clinical work involves supporting parents of preadolescent children with OCD using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches.

Dr Lydia Munns
is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. Lydia is interested in supporting preadolescent children with OCD and their parents by improving access to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches.

Please note that whilst the live presentation was free of charge for all to watch live, the recording will only be available to OCD-UK members.

Please Note: This conference recording is for OCD-UK charity members only.

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This presentation took place at the online virtual OCD-UK conference on Friday 8th November 2024. The webinar was hosted live via Zoom to a watching audience.

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