Nottingham OCD Support Group
The Nottingham OCD Support Group is open to anyone affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, be they sufferers, family members or friends. We provide an informal meeting where people affected by OCD can talk to others in a friendly, understanding and non-judgmental way. Our group is keen to promote the belief that recovery from OCD is possible.
The group does not offer specific therapy or professional guidance, but instead, it is an opportunity to share ideas and strategies, and to provide mutual support, and to share experiences and offer advice about accessing local treatment services.
Attendance is free of charge, and no pre-booking is necessary, just come along on the evening of the group and introduce yourself to the group facilitator, usually Ashley.
The group is facilitated by trained service users, all of whom have OCD or have experienced OCD in the past and have been vetted by OCD-UK for your confidence.
This support group is fully funded by OCD-UK, donations to OCD-UK are welcomed to help continue funding support groups like this one.
Jurys Inn Nottingham,
Waterfront Plaza,
Station Street,
Jurys Inn Nottingham is situated on the corner of London Road and Station Street in central Nottingham, and is less than five minutes walk from Nottingham Train Station.
We're on the first floor!
The hotel conference suites are on the first floor, so when you enter the hotel take the stairs or lift to the first floor, there is no need to speak to reception.
Our meeting usually takes place in suites suite 107 or 111, however sometimes our room is changed by the hotel, so you might need to check the conference suite doors for our meeting, indicated by a sign on our door. Our facilitator will usually tweet the room number by 6:30pm from @AshleyFulwood and/or @OCDUK.
We also have access to the conference reception area where you can help yourself to coffee, tea, juice or biscuits.
The Nottingham OCD support group starts at 6:45pm, and ends about 8:45pm, although sometimes may run until 9pm.
This group is very well attended, and whilst we try and given everyone talk-time, this is not always possible.

2021 Meetings
Until further notice we are not offering physical meetings because of the ongoing pandemic. A decision about if or when face-to-face meetings will resume be made collaboratively with the group host in late 2021 / early 2022.
Until then OCD-UK offer support through Zoom video support groups, which meet every week. For details of how to access this meetings please visit our Zoom group page.
In the meantime you can access community support using an alias via the OCD-UK forums at:

The support group details are intended for people with OCD, and these contact details should not be used by researchers or TV production companies without first consulting OCD-UK.
The Jury's Inn is just a short 5 minute walk from Nottingham Train Station and Tram stop (along the road to the side of the station).
There is no on site car parking at the Jury's Inn Hotel, but there are several car parks within 5-10 minutes walk of our venue. The closest are located on Queens Road, just 2 minutes walk from the hotel, The Parc Centre offers secure Pay and Display parking with monitored on site security.
The new multi-storey Nottingham Railway Station car park has over 500 parking spaces on Queens Road, and charged at £5 for parking during the support group hours.
Details of other council run car parks can be found on the Nottingham City Council website.
Taxi's can be accessed at the side of Nottingham Railway Station.
Bus services in Nottingham are run by Nottingham City Council and Trent Barton buses with nearby stops at the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, approx 6-10 minutes walk.