Earlier this year we welcomed the newest member of the ever expanding OCD-UK team, Megan, who joined us full time to help improve our support services. We also want to take this opportunity to congratulate Megan who yesterday collected …
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Earlier this year we welcomed the newest member of the ever expanding OCD-UK team, Megan, who joined us full time to help improve our support services. We also want to take this opportunity to congratulate Megan who yesterday collected …
Having OCD is difficult to live with whilst working at recovery. This section has lots of information, advice and features to help during this time.
Children and young people can also suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
This section will be updated with information, advice and features for children and young people (up to age 18).
OCD impacts on the lives of the whole family, especially those that love and care for people with OCD.
This section will be updated with lots of information, advice and features to help families understand and cope better with their loved one’s OCD.