Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK Conference Centre

Main Conference Room

Welcome to the main conference room and the breakout room. This is where you will find the majority of our presentations about OCD from conferences at 'Hotel OCD-UK' offering education, advice, hope and inspiration.

Click on the presentation titles to view the selected recording. Viewing is completely free of charge, but should you find a presentation helpful, we welcome a small donation to help us cover our platform costs.

There over 43 hours of previous conference recordings available to watch on the page below. The recordings are listed below in reverse chronological date order, either scroll down or click each year to jump to that list of presentations.

2022 Conference Presentations
2021 Conference Presentations
2020 Conference Presentations


18th November 2022

Main Conference Room

To read more about the presentations or to watch the recording please click on each presentation link below.

Recording available
CBT is not a dangerous pursuit: Understanding that “Better Safe than Sorry” is a trap set by OCD.
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford

Recording available
The science of belief change: Focus on beliefs about memory and beliefs about losing control
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University

Breakout Room

Recording available
Religious Scrupulosity is an OCD Issue, not a Faith Issue
Presented by Rev. Katie O'Dunne

19th November 2022

Main Conference Room

To read more about the presentations or to watch the recording please click on each presentation link below.

Recording available
Support issues in OCD: Navigating the Maze
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford

Recording available
When OCD and religion get entangled
Presented by Professor Mark Freeston, Newcastle University

Recording available
OCD and Adult ADHD
Presented by Dr Alison Roberts

Recording available
The nature of obsessions
Presented by Professor Christine Purdon

Recording available
Introduction to Mental Contamination - Followed by Q&A
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University

Breakout Room

Recording available
Managing parenting with OCD
Presented by Dr Fiona Challacombe and hosted by Sara Padwick

Recording available
Supporting students with OCD at university
Presented by Paula Duncan, Dr. Katie Cross, Laura Hickman

27th November 2021

Main Conference Room

To read more about the presentations or to watch the recording please click on each presentation link below.

Conference Launch and Introduction
Presented by Gemma Blueitt from OCD-UK (recording viewable in the subsequent presentation).

Recording available
Taking the plunge: How to take a risk when you feel you can’t
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford

Recording available
It’s not the thought that counts: Unpacking the different types of thoughts and thinking in OCD
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University

Recording available
Medication and OCD - An Overview
Presented by Dr Ilenia Pampaloni, South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

Breakout Room

Recording available
Working with perinatal OCD in a pandemic
Presented by Dr Fiona Challacombe, Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma

Recording available
Introduction to the OCD and BDD national service
Presented by Dr Ilenia Pampaloni, South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

Recording available
OCD and Autism
Presented by Dr Alison Roberts

Recording available
Health Anxiety and the links to OCD
Presented by Niamh Shepherd | Partnerships and Helpline Coordinator, Anxiety UK

Recording available
Saturday post conference stretch, relax and refresh
Hosted by Jeanette Evans

28th November 2021

Main Conference Room

To read more about the presentations or to watch the recording please click on each presentation link below.

Recording available
Loneliness, Social Isolation & Relapse Prevention
Presented by Dr Josie Millar and Lucy Clarkson

Recording available
The relationship between OCD and Perfectionism (and does it matter?)
Presented by Professor Roz Shafran with Gil Barton

Recording available
The Sussex OCD Clinic: Experiences of offering CBT for OCD in an NHS-based service and learning what mindfulness-based approaches might have to offer
Presented by Dr Clara Strauss

Recording available
Making sense of uncertainty in obsessive-compulsive and body dysmorphic disorders
Presented by Professor Mark Freeston

Recording available
Why Are Compulsions So Compelling?
Presented by Professor Christine Purdon, University of Waterloo

Recording available
The Geography of Recovery
Presented by Mark Freeman

Conference Close
Hosted by the OCD-UK Team (access via joining the previous presentation).

Breakout Room

Recording available
HOCD and ROCD – Same but Different
Presented by Lauren Callaghan, Australia

Recording available
University, the Parrot, and Me: Studying with OCD
Presented by Paula Duncan

Recording available
Your questions answered
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University and Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford

Recording available
Emetophobia, it’s relationship with OCD and treatment
Presented by Professor David Veale, Consultant Psychiatrist and Visiting Professor in Cognitive Behavioural Therapies South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Recording available
Mobility, motion and movement seated session to ‘beat the seat'
Hosted by Jeanette Evans

17th October 2020

Main Conference Room

To read more about the presentations or to watch the recording please click on each presentation link below.

Conference Launch and Introduction
Presented by Zoë Wilson from OCD-UK (recording viewable in the subsequent presentation). 

Recording not available
- Keynote: Defining OCD Recovery
Presented by Ashley Fulwood, Chief Executive of OCD-UK 

Recording available
OCD and the sticky problem of sex
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis 

Recording available
What's new in OCD research?
Presented by Dr Lynne Drummond

Recording available
OCD may try to creep back, but we don’t have to let it in!
Presentation prepared by Dr Josie Millar and presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis

Recording available
Walking off the Battlefield - Life after recovery (and how to keep living there)
Presented by Mark Freeman

Recording available
The path to recovery: From patient to provider
Presented by Dr Elizabeth McIngvale

Recording available
Understanding why people with OCD do what they do, and why other people get involved
Presented by Professor Mark Freeston

Breakout Room

Recording available
Using Psilocybin in Therapy
Presented by Professor David Veale

Recording available
Dundee Advanced Intervention Service (AIS): Responding to COVID-19. Adapting a specialist service to the coronavirus pandemic
Presented by Karen Walker and Rhiannon Buick

Recording available
Introduction to Anxiety Disorders Residential Unit
Presented by Jeremy Lock and Robert Medcalf

Recording available
Introduction to the Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma
Presented by Dr Blake Stobie

Recording available
Gut feeling: The link between your gut health, your mental health and your anxiety.
Presented by Dr Stephanie Fitzgerald

Recording available
Can you run away from anxiety? The role that exercise plays in anxiety management
Presented by Dr Stephanie Fitzgerald

Recording available
Post conference destressing, relaxing stretch, relax and refresh session
Hosted by Jeanette Evans

18th October 2020

Main Conference Room

To read more about the presentations or to watch the recording please click on each presentation link below.

Recording available
Loneliness and Mental Health: An update on research and treatment
Presented by Professor Roz Shafran

Recording available
OCD and Religion - A sufferers perspective
Presented by Steve Sharpe, Honorary President of OCD-UK

Recording available
OCD, Faith and Climate Change
Presented by Sandy Nisbet

Recording available
Why treatment doesn’t always hit the spot first time
Presented by Dr Victoria Bream

Recording available
4:15pm - OCD in the time of COVID: Plagued by our fears?
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis 

Conference Close
Hosted by the OCD-UK Team (recording viewable in the previous presentation).

Breakout Room

Recording available
OCD and Coronavirus: Themes and Survival Tips
Presented by Lauren Callaghan

Recording available
Recovering from OCD - Mother and Daughter discuss 
With Sorcha and Monica McCaffrey

Recording available
How to get the best help to get you better 
Dr Claire Lomax

Recording available
Introduction to Oxford Health Specialist Psychological Interventions Clinic
Presented by Dr Victoria Bream

Where you see the recording icon the presentation listed is clickable where you will be able to watch the recording.